New Members and Visitors

Find your place
at Trinity

We worship on Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am. Our services follow a classic pattern of Christian worship that includes hymns, scripture readings, a sermon, and holy communion. On a typical Sunday, you will find our members dressed in a range from dressy casual to a suit and tie or a dress. We invite you to dress in a way that suits you and is comfortable. We also have a choir, mainly comprised of Marshall University students, that is part of our worship from September to late May.

Our worship service is participatory, meaning there’s a part for you to play. Through written phrases of scripture and prayers contained in our service bulletin, we worship God and pray together. This classic style of worship is called liturgy, and we believe that God uses it to help us grow in our faith by engaging the whole body of gathered people in worship through use of scripture. Our worship is guided by The Book of Common Prayer (1979), which unites us in a common worship style with Anglicans (another name for Episcopalians) around the world and across languages. Our prayer is that you will come to know God more fully through worshipping with us.

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion regardless of denomination. All people are welcome to come forward to ask for a prayer or blessing in place of receiving communion. You can also remain in your seat if you prefer! If you are interested in pursuing baptism, please contact us through our website’s chat feature located in the lower right corner of the screen.

Worshipping in a new church, especially if the style is unfamiliar to you, can be intimidating! To help with this, we are happy to arrange someone to meet you at Trinity and sit with you through the service to help you navigate our worship. If you would like to set this up, please reach out through our chat button located in the lower righthand corner of this page.

We seek to be an inclusive and affirming church so that all people are welcomed and seen. Whoever you are and whatever your story, there is a place for you at Trinity.

Join Trinity Episcopal Church